Friday, 29 August 2008

It's growing!

Mr Tomato, originally uploaded by hello.vickibrown.

I am notoriously good at killing plants. But this one's growing! Hooray! So is the little peony, althouh it is possibly the tiniest shoot I've ever seen, I think perhaps it's getting intimidated.

Thursday, 28 August 2008

My Weekend Disappeared

I lost my weekend to Katamari, pretending to be Slash (badly), and The Book of Lost Things (funnily enough). Labyrinth was in there too but I have to say, it was a bit of a let-down, although an odd parallel to the book, as both feature the same riddle. Odd. Book

Sunday, 3 August 2008

Summer Swirls Card

Summer Swirls Card, originally uploaded by hello.vickibrown.

Getting to grips with my gocco printer a bit more now. (By the way, if you get this for your birthday, act surprised. And happy.)