Friday 9 November 2007

Sightseeing Weekend

Mom, Dad, Any, Mandy and Vicki, originally uploaded by ant217.

We had Ant's parents, sister and her boyfriend over to stay last weekend, and as Mandy and Andy had never had a proper walk around London before we took the opportunity to do lots of touristy things. We did possibly underestimate the sheer distance we were going to be walking but it worked out ok, with a pub stop at the Tattershall Castle along the way and the goal of a curry at the end of it. So after a quick run around the Science Museum we jumped on a bus to Green Park, had a nice Autumny walk down to Buckingham Palace, on to Trafalgar Square (where we saw lots of people protesting to keep the NHS free, whilst standing outside pubs drinking and smoking... hmm) Whitehall, the Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, the pub, a walk along the South Bank down to Tower Bridge, and a curry. Phew. I feel exhausted again just typing it. It was really nice to see everyone at once (not to mention unusual!) and we didn't even get told we should be buying a house too many times. And Chris was nice enough to help fix my poorly car which had seemingly had an argument with it's clutch cable. All made up now.

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